MCARC History
In June of 2012, a long time vision and desire for a New Radio Club within the ever growing City of Morgantown, was brought to realization through the efforts of General Class Amateur Radio Operator, Allen Harris-KD8BMI.Although Morgantown had an existing radio club, Allen felt that with the city growing so rapidly, room for another radio Club was conceivable and inevitable.
Calling upon his fellow Amateur Radio friends, the idea for another New Radio Club was well received and supported.
With the help of his fellow Amateur Radio Operators, Alex Lugo-KD8NZX and Carl J. Smith-KD8KZY; plans, ideas and formation for the New Club started to come together.
On June 7, 2012, seventeen (17) Morgantown Area Amateur Radio Operators met at a restaurant, in Sabraton, West Virginia.
Allen shared his vision to form a radio club that concentrated on radio communication activities. Foremost in Allen’s mind, was to bring education and technology to the New Club as well as to promote the hobby of Amateur Radio to the general public, schools, youth, community organizations and for the Club to offer Amateur Radio Licensing/Testing training classes for future Amateur Radio Operators.
Following the success of the first meeting, a second gathering was held the following month (July 2012) in Sabraton.
At this gathering, club officers were elected; new Club T-shirts were presented, an HT hand held radio was donated for raffling; the Club’s first field trip was organized where club members attend the Wild Things team’s baseball game at Washington, PA; New Membership Certificates were presented and it’s New founding members officially accepted the Club’s name suggested by Allen–Mon County Amateur Radio Club, with the Club’s slogan being: West Virginia’s Elite Amateur Radio Club.
The MCARC–Mon County Amateur Radio Club is based within the City of Morgantown, in North Central West Virginia. MCARC is the Elite Amateur Radio Club in Morgantown opened to all current and future amateur radio operators within and outside Monongalia County. The club pride itself with the ELMER Program in which current licensed Amateur operators support and coach those who are interested in obtaining their Ham Radio License.
If you wish to join MCARC, please check out our membership application page.
K8MCR Club Monthly Meeting
You are welcome to join us for our monthly club meetings to meet others and for special presentations on radio operations, practical theory, or making equipment.
We meet at the American Legion (Bingo Hall) in Dellslow, on Earl Core Rd., the third Saturday of each month. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM. Testing for all levels will be at 10:30 AM after each meeting.
Feel free to bring your spouse and family members who have an interest in radio. Bring your questions or equipment that you would like to discuss, there is always a person who can help.
We normally have a presentation given on a radio topic and a drawing for the monthly prize box of goodies.
Meet the Officers

Jim Morris - KF8BKH

Dylan Warren - W8DYL

Steve Miller - K8BBL