The club operates a chat session around 9:00pm nightly on 144.210 Upper Sideband. This an informal open forum round robin session where anyone can join.
Weekly MCARC Radio Nets
Weekly 2m Night Net
The club operates a 2m net at 8:00pm on Wednesdays using the K8MCR (formerly AA8CC) repeater on top of Chestnut Ridge. 146.925 MHz (- .6MHz ), PL 103.5.
Weekly 70cm Analog/Digital Net
The club operates a 70cm analog and Digital C4FM net at 8:00pm every Thursday using the K8MCR repeater on top of Chestnut Ridge. 442.600 MHz (+ 5MHz), PL 103.5.
Weekly DMR Net
The club operates a DMR net at 7:30pm on Wednesdays using the TGIF Network 4163
Monthly MCARC Radio Nets
Monthly 2m Simplex Net
The club operates a 2m simplex net at 8:30pm every first Monday of the month on frequency 146.550 simplex.
Monthly 2m Upper Sideband Net
The club operates a 2m Upper Sideband net at 8:30pm every third Monday of the month on frequency 144.210 simplex.
Monthly 70cm Simplex Net
The club operates a 70cm Upper Sideband net at 8:30pm every third Monday of the month on frequency 446.500 Simplex.
Other Local Radio Nets
Monongalia Wireless Association Net
The Monongalia Wireless Association operates a 2m net at 8:00pm on Mondays using the W8MWA repeater on top of Chestnut Ridge. 145.430 MHz (- .6MHz), PL 103.5.
WVU Amateur Radio Club Net
WVU ARC operates a 2m net at 9:00pm on Thursdays using the W8CUL repeater. 146.760 MHz (- .6MHz), PL 103.5.